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Reply to "Surprising !!!"

@seignet posted:

If a person or race of ppl misbehave in a white dominated country then expect a whopping kick on the baxside. 

Indo Guyanese government killed 400 Black men and they were not enslavers of black ppl.

Christianity DID NOT ENSLAVED the Africans, some white ppl did. And many White Christians demaded abolition. 

Know the History bro.

As a Black Christian you were told to defend your religion, you were told who to hate and discredit. In your eyes, Hindus and Muslims are bad people and should not exist, because your bible told you so. So many are living Slaves to an outdated book, try reading something else.

There is no such thing as Whiteman country, if you want to believe that , well I am sorry. Now you behave like the Jews,  saying Indians killed 400 of your people without any proof, on the same tangent, why not say 4,000 killed. 

I see many like you prefer to be colonized, the Whiteman is GOD.
