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Reply to "Suspects confess to murdering Black Bush trio"

Chief posted:

Thank you Sheik 

DrugB and Carib making fools of themselves on this very sad thread.

No Govt can prevent these type of crimes.

Why?  I as a black man on GNI face on onslaught of racist bigots who parade blacks as savages.  Who scream that the daily occupation of blacks is to kill Indians. Who refuse to acknowledge that there is increasing victimization by Indians of other Indians.

So why should I not rub into the face of these people that AGAIN Indians are involved.  Especially with Jagdeo running around screaming that "he gun tek back Guyana for Indians". Have you made any comment on that and the severe repercussions that a remark like that can have on Guyana?

Oh yes because Jagdeo also will scream that crime is a PNC plot against Indians!
