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Four ways Canadians can help refugees

David Bateman - Staff Reporter, Toronto Star, 3 days ago, 06 September, 2015, Source


“You don’t have to feel helpless,” says Ratna Omidvar, the chair of Lifeline Syria, an organization aiming to bring at least 1000 Syrian refugees to Canada.


Thousands of kilometers away from the Turkish beach where the lifeless bodies of young migrant children washed up on Wednesday, Canadians can still make a profound impact on the global refugee crisis.


There are several things ordinary Canadians can do to help people fleeing war-torn countries.


1. Pressure your local MP and the federal government


In early August, Conservative leader Stephen Harper pledged to accept 10,000 refugees from Iraq and Syria, if re-elected.


Considering the drastic situation, Omidvar believes that promise should be fulfilled in the short term.


“Individuals can make things happen,” she said. “The first thing people should do is speak to your MP and help make the federal government accountable.”


Public pressure has brought results in Iceland, where the government was forced into creating a refugee action committee after a massive online outcry at the country only accepting approximately 50 refugees from Syria.

Lifeline Syria wants the GTA to initially accept 1000 refugees, but for that to happen, Omidvar says “the government needs to play ball.”


“They should assign more visa officers in camps in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. They could do that immediately,” she said.


“It’s happened before during the Indochinese crisis. We brought roughly 60,000 people here because of that. It was a very successful and very Canadian response.


“They could also suspend some of the regulations that prevent us from processing refugees that are now in Europe. The system says they are safe there, but we know what’s happening in train stations in Budapest.


“Third, Syrians in Canada with family in camps should be able to arrange an interim family unification.


“At least let’s start with imagination as opposed to process.”


2. Become a private sponsor


Canadians can volunteer to support an individual or a family for one year, and they don’t have to do it alone.


You can collaborate with friends, neighbours, colleagues, professional organizations and social clubs to provide the time and money commitment necessary.


In 1979, after the Vietnam War, 7,000 Canadian groups sponsored 29,269 refugees, thanks to a grassroots Toronto-based operation known as Operation Lifeline


Government estimates place the cost of settling an individual refugee around $12,000. A family of four costs approximately $25,000.


Although Omidvar thinks those estimates are conservative considering the cost of living in the GTA, the money is rarely the issue.


“People fixate on the money,” she said.


“Yes, you have to raise it, but that’s not difficult. You have to commit the time. That is the real commitment from private sponsors.”


Although it’s a considerable obligation to adopt, the Lifeline Syria website perhaps puts it best when it says: “Sponsoring a refugee family from Syria will probably be something you will be proud of for your whole life.”


3. Donate to groups dedicated to bringing refugees to Canada

Groups like Lifeline Syria need the financial means to continue their work.

If you can’t afford to donate, pledging your time and effort is equally as powerful.


The first step is contacting the organization, or attending a Lifeline Syria information session, which you can find details about here when they are posted.


4. Donate directly to an aid organization working on the ground


Humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) are often at the front line of the crisis.


The United Nations Refugee Agency, the UNHCR, is one of the most effective agencies, although far from the only one.


The Canadian Red Cross, Oxfam Canada, Care Canada, the Migrant Offshore Aid Station, Migration Aid and World Vision are all equally meritorious and in need of financial help.
