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Reply to "Taliban went to Friday Jummah"

D2 posted:
ba$eman posted:
D2 posted:
Cobra posted:

Hitler should exterminate the Muslims instead of the Jews. These people only taking up space and offers nothing to the world. Talking shit is their favorite subject. 

Muslims are humans. It someone comes for them what makes you think they will not come for you. In the US the Nazis, the Alt right seem to have picked up steam. They are Hitlers Children made glorious with the coronation of Trump. You would be watching your back in time because they will be coming for you,

Bai, relax yuhself.  The Alt Right will be sent packing and Trump's commonsense camp will take over.

Cobby, Hitler or no one should exterminate anyone.  The vermins are the Wahab and their clan.  Remove their influence, most other Muslims are ok, even Chief is redeemable!

Regarding this attack, I really don't have a peeve, this was a solely military target so, well legit whether you agree or disagree with them.  We hit them from 10k feet above and they have no AAA.  This was a result of slackness by the Govt and clever planning by the Taliban!

Look what is happening to France today. The alt right is a hairs breath from power and with that the destruction of the EU. Last week the Nazis and Alt right beat up all of their opponents at Berkley punching women and men in the face in the name of Trump. They are claiming they have a toe hold with trump and they do not need him because they have support

The Wahabs are not in control of ISIS or Al Queda or any of the hundreds of groups that now infest the region. They are indeed the origin of the disease but it has metastasize to it own virulent strain and we still do not have an antidote to it because we effort them and the people who hide them  rights when we fight them.

Nations have been sanitized in times past many times of particular groups. Marie Le Penne will not win the run off but if she did she promise to remove Muslims on any pretext from France and stop immigration completely. Austria, Sweden, even tolerant Holland all have the same strain of racist white people who can dominate the politics. Presently in the US the only thing that stand between Trump and mass deportations is the democrats and the liberal Press. If he were to make deeper inroads in the mid term he will do it because he man is opportunistic and crave attention

ISIS and Al Qaeda are both sponsored out of the House of Saud, head of the Wahab snake.  ISIS and Al Qaeda embraces the Wahab doctrine!

The Alt Right have a toe-hold maybe, but it slipping that is why you got that reaction.  Bannon is being relegated as Trump realizes he needs a more centrist posture.  He is headed there.

Trump needs to come off the fringe agenda and pivot to the economy.  He will get there.

Violent illegal immigrants will be deported and good law-abiding will be given some form of official status.  H1B will be revamped and only high skilled, higher paid individuals will be allowed, opening up opportunities for many Americans who are priced out!

One day, in the not too distant future, you will also cheer for Trump!  You too will get there!
