They should learn from their Indian neighbors rather than trying to loot and rob from them. Indians have a lot to teach blacks but many (blacks) have an entitlement mentality engrained which blocks their ability to apply the lessons. Many prefer to ignore, then cry discrimination, then "tek".
Baseman from what I understand Indians are not much better off economically than are Africans. This is despite; not having the legacy of slavery which made Africans afraid of risk; unwilling to cooperate with each other; having a consumption rather than an investment philosophy; and most damaging is the broken family structure a DIRECT legacy of slavery.
So tell me why did the Portuguese and Chinese indentures, who arrived with nothing more than the Indians did, do so much better?
Why are so many Indians trapped in substance abuse, spousal brutality, suicides and other social ills, when Chinese didnt befall this?
Why are the Saturday night drunken brawls, often ending up in Indo on Indo assaults so much a factor in rural Indo peasant life?
Why are so many young Indo males now engaging in the SAME types of criminal behavior as their Afro counterparts. In fcat while the Afro bandits steal from EVERY ONE, the Indo bandits steal from INDOS ONLY!!!!
We dont see Chinese or Portuguse behaving like this?
I suggest to you that Indos have enough to worry about before they feel superior to Afros.
Indeed Indos have fallen into a deep trap with their "ahbe pan tap" mentality, which leads too many to uncritical endorse an Indo elite which hurts rather than helps them. A crude and vicious Indo elite callously provokes a race war, willing to offer them up as cannon fodder, this will they hire black criminals to protect themselves. Doing nothing when these same black criminals use guns that they provide to attack innocent people, many being poorer Indians.
And of course we have the usurious rates charged to rice farmers by money landers, exploitation of small peasant farmers by the millers, and the rape of many rural Indo girls who are trafficked instead of getting a promised job.
The problem is too many Indos, while starving as much as are the blacks who they despise, endorse continued rule by this cabal of theives.
But you see baseman, being a member of the Indo elite, will never want these issues to be discussed. Now druggie's family benefits highly from this status quo, and no doubt exploit their employees, regardless of race. Do you?