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Reply to "The Caribbean Immigrant Victims Of COVID-19"

Departed on April 19, 2020

It is with deep regret and a heavy heart i announce the death of Mr. Motielall Rambharose also known as Sir of Richmond Hill, New York and formerly of No. 60 Village, Corentyne, Berbice Guyana. Husband of Nalini and father of Sunil and Anil. He was the brother of Lokenauth of Guyana, Kunti Ramharrack, Nando and the late Doctor, Goldboy, Bodhwatie, Baby, Lilwa, Devika and Heera. Mr. Lall was also the Mamoo (Uncle ) of my wife Kavita. Mr. Motielall Rambharose was a former Headmaster of No.59 Village Primary School. Our hearfelt condolences to the entire Rambharose family and to all those who are mourning the loss of this wonderful soul whom we lovingly called Mamoo.May his soul find comfort in Bhagwaan. Will update you with more information later.

Devendra Sewdatt

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa