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Originally Posted by Zed:

Caribny, you did not address my comments but rambled on about the AFC Indians. Not that I agree with you or believe you are correct, but the fact remains that they made an agreement which they said will dictate how things will run under a coalition government and now they are saying that some aspects have to await changes in the constitution. the AFC 'deserves ' what they are getting. It appears that Harmon is more powerful that Moses even though Harmon is a minister and Moses is the Prime Minister. also, was unable to attract voters. With the issue of cabinet numbers. Well, when the photo was taken of the first cabinet meeting, there were more than the cabinet members there, and seem to include the junior ministers. Furthermore, regarding the campIgn, Yes, the AFC was unable to attract many East Indian to the rallies. please publish the agreement so we can determine whether the AFC Indians have been distorting the terms of the agreement.

The agreement stated that certain functions would be DELEGATED.  It did NOT state that Nagamootoo would be a co leader.  Delegation means that  overseeing these functions remains the domain of the President.  It merely means that the PM would have day to day supervision.


The AFC Indians are screaming that Moses was to have direct unsupervised domain of most of the government, with Granger having control over only external issues.  That is CONTRARY not only to the constitution, but also to the Accord.



It also makes no political sense.  Why would Granger basically turn over all ministries, with the exception of Foreign Affairs, when he is the president, and therefore ultimately responsible.  In what nation does a president who is the functional, and not titular head, give up all power to another entity?


Given that these functions were only DELEGATED, they remain under the responsibility of the president, and so his spokesperson (Harmon) can say what ever he wishes.


I suggest that you learn what the term DELEGATION means.


The AFC got its 40% and its 12 seats.   ALL else was delegation.



And based on this 2 AM nonsense from Ramjattan, one can even wonder about those people.
