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Reply to "‘The coming oil bonanza’ and bad signals-Tarron Khemraj"

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This TK banna makes a economic good analysis. I like the idea of this so called ethnic impact statement. Its one way to address the perception that government policy benefits a particular ethnic group.

However, he is wrong about the PPP winning the election in 2020, with or without Jagdeo. He ignores the fact that the PPP does not have the numbers, or the fact that the PNC controls the institutions that makes it possible to "win" with minor rigging, unlike the Burnhamesque tradition. In that sense, Tarran is naive.

If the economy is booming, I dont think Indos will have a problem if Afros dominate the institutions of power and the government, as long is they are progressing economically. Indos have to get used to the fact that the PPP will not be allowed to rule Guyana in the near future. Afros will not allow Jagdeo and the PPP to get their hands on that oil money that is pouring in...too much animosity between the two groups...and yes, Afros will turn a Nelson eye to any PNC rigging...with Carter as an observer or not.

And what do you know of Guyana politics and it’s sentiments.  Until recently, you dint even know wuh is punani!

Banna, why you being a knucklehead?

And why you so hung up on "punani"? You think every young Guyanese living outside of Guyana know what these words mean? You need to give people some breathing space to learn about their history.

FYI- I read a lot, not just the nansense some of you people post here, since I discover this site by accident.

Just finished these 2 books:

David Granger- The New Road -Short History of the GDF

Basdeo Mangru-Indenture and Abolition

