alyuh try deh busying y'allself with petty what ifs, every which way whatever scenario speculations and hand wringing
My dear sir as you get stuck in the mud as usual, I am sure that even Granger and Nagamootoo have their own apprehensions about how the coalition will work, assuming that they win of course. This is true of EVERY single coalition.
As to the new constitution. Hmmm. It was a PNC constitution, and enjoying the fruits of power I suspect they will not see changing it a priority.
Maybe the PPP may find Jesus, Allah, or whomever and suddenly realize that the constitution ill serves them as an opposition party. But then I suspect playing mischief, with an aim to disrupt the coalition, will be their chosen method to get back into power. The PPP will remain the party with the ability to get more votes than any other singular party, and so will have incentive to break up the coalition, or at least try to.
So being practical, and given that a 2/3 vote is necessary for a constitutional change, I suspect that you have a rather long wait for that.
The PPP and APNU will each win over 1/3 of the vote. I really don't see these sworn enemies cooperating over anything. The PNC fresh with power that they haven't had for over 22 years. And the PPP being hysterical with rage that the PNC must have obviously "stolen" the election, as there is no way that they PPP can lose. After all Guyana belongs to the PPP, so they think.
I suggest that APNU and the AFC create a more transparent way of governance, host LGE, and focus on providing a more inclusive economy less beholden to new money elites.