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Reply to "The Cummingsburg Accord Is Too Good to Be True Because It Is. Which President Surrenders "Domestic Affairs" to A Small Party?"

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Redux.... Bhai yuh wrong.....


You do not know Kari,


When Jagdeo first came to NY as President....

Kari was asked to Introduce him....


and the Introduction he got

caused Jagdeo and the PPP to request

that they find a Good PPP ass-licker

to Introduce them in future.


So do not Big up yuh self too much.....

because Kari aint hustleing fuh anything.....

he been there.....done that....

if yuh doubt me ....ask CaribJ he will tell you . . .


jalil, you're quite right . . . i don't know Kari; in fact, i don't "know" anybody on this BB beyond what they choose to reveal in their writings here


and i certainly would not be stupid enough to accuse him of hanging his mouth for PPP soup with his postings on GNI


i re-post what i said earlier on this thread which captures fairly accurately my take on GNI's resident bamboo tower dweller:



"i commented favorably on Kari's involvement in that very powerful message to the forces of evil in Guyana


why would any civilized supporter of the PPP refuse to condemn political murder? . . . in fact, i honestly believe that Donald Ramotar had nothing to do with Crum-Ewing's execution


Kari's postings on the coalition have been inconsistent to contradictory . . . he does not feel the lateness of the hour, and i have a problem with that


which does not make him a "PPP" . . . closeted or otherwise, but certainly a supporter of the [PPP] status quo


you [caribny], on the flip side of the same coin, with your antics and antipathy towards "Indo Party II," should understand where i'm coming from"



now, what i truly despise in otherwise intelligent people is slack and cowardly argumentation


straw men, red herrings and the odd non-sequitur thrown in to gain breathing space or to punch up inane meanderings are not forgivable in my book, and i am constrained to point them out on fundamental principles


note that when i do so, i am usually met with moanings about personal attacks, much projection about rage, anger, screaming, etc., etc., (Caribny, especially, provides plenty amusement with this)


the one thing these guys do not do is show the BB where i pointed wrong. NOT ONE TIME!


They cannot rebut; they simply move on to the next poorly argued dispute they are having with themselves, muttering to all who care to listen that i am being "childish" for insisting on proper standards of discourse


i form impressions from aggregate postings, and i take people at their word


my BS detector of late is very twitchy

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