Pragmatism is not about whining that you do not see this or that..
Pragmatism is about analyzing reality and then developing strategies of dealing with it. What you don't understand is that most people on this planet don't have the time or energy to be high minded.
They do what they perceive to be in their best interests. If they are reasonably satisfied they don't give two hoots about the larger picture. So any one who wants their votes will have to come down to their level and display a better ability to deliver to these people that which they want better than the other guy.
And yes most Indians see the APNU AFC coalition as a risk, given their apprehensions of the PNC.
And if APNU AFC wins, the PNC supporters will want to get their share that they perceive not to gave received. Tensions can then develop with the AFC supporters, especially those (Indians) who don't trust the PNC to begin with.
So yes there is risk.
Now does one do like you and scream that to make note of this is "whining"? Or does some one take note of this and develop strategies to mitigate this risk?
If you don't understand this, I am afraid that you are an idealistic liberal arts kid, not an adult who has developed some wisdom over the years.
How terribly interesting. I could have written this myself. One of our Caribj's not so infrequent moments of reason and insight.
The difference between me and you is that I see our ethnic anxieties in two ways that you don't.
1. Indians and the PPP are EQUALLY culpable as is the PNC and Africans/mixed. You scream that only the PNC (and by implication Africans) are to blame.
2. I try to see how these ethnic anxieties can be resolved. I see Guyana is ONE nation with many different parts. You see Guyana as a piece of real estate with 70% of the population (those who self identify as Indians or Africans) battling each other, ignoring the fact that BOTH groups will soon no longer dominate.
Guyana will rise when Guyanese understand that they need to empathize with the anxieties of BOTH major groups. As you can see I am not deaf to the concerns of Indo Guyanese. Pity that you completely refuse to acknowledge the concerns of Afro Guyanese, or the role that Indo Guyanese play in creating them.