A society settles its ethnic problems when the foundation is laid so all feel the presence of fairness in the system. That will come with constitution reforms, decentralization, redistricting, etc ..
Any change requires a 2/3 vote and so unless APNU and the PPP cooperate NONE of this will occur. Has APNU made any mention of this? I know that the PPP hasn't.
In the mean time Nagamootoo will have to educate his base on the fact that the agreement that the AFC has with APNU has embedded in it certain safeguards to reduce the incentive for APNU to go on a power drunk spree of ethnic revenge. He can explain this more diplomatically of course, but that is the language which people in his base will have to hear.
So yes there is risk, but then there are also factors which mitigate this risk, at least in the short term. As Hinds says pretending as if ethnically based anxieties don't occur in Guyana with the 80% of the population which is Indian/African and Afro oriented mixed is foolish.