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Reply to "The Cummingsburg Accord Is Too Good to Be True Because It Is. Which President Surrenders "Domestic Affairs" to A Small Party?"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Pragmatism is not about whining that  you do not see this or that..


Pragmatism is about analyzing reality and then developing strategies of dealing with it.  What you don't understand is that most people on this planet don't have the time or energy to be high minded. 


They do what they perceive to be in their best interests.  If they are reasonably satisfied they don't give two hoots about the larger picture.  So any one who wants their votes will have to come down to their level and display a better ability to deliver to these people that which they want better than the other guy.


And yes most Indians see the APNU AFC coalition as a risk, given their apprehensions of the PNC. 


And if APNU AFC wins, the PNC supporters will want to get their share that they perceive not to gave received.  Tensions can then develop with the AFC supporters, especially those (Indians) who don't trust the PNC to begin with.


So yes there is risk. 


Now does one do like you and scream that to make note of this is "whining"?  Or does some one take note of this and develop strategies to mitigate this risk? 


If you don't understand this, I am afraid that you are an idealistic liberal arts kid, not an adult who has developed some wisdom over the years.


How terribly interesting. I could have written this myself. One of our Caribj's not so infrequent moments of reason and insight.


This is basically all I've been trying to get across to you and others (albeit quite unsuccessfully it seems).


I understand you're trying to sell this Coalition and are perhaps constrained at the moment to concede that this is the return of one race domination to the Guyanese State system. The fact that the Coalition insists on not addressing Indian ethnic concerns about the distribution of power in the State apparatus tells me all I need to know. Instead of the racial stalemate being solved with a "just settlement" for the major races, it will be ended by a near total victory by one race over another. This is victory not a comprehensive peace with honor. The terms of defeat will be presented to us shortly. In the mean time we must watch this charade play out. Our mudheads vs. the PNC's chess players.

I think the do well in not getting into the mud of race and racial appropriations of power. They must move away from that. Their message is that we picked the right person we have given the constraint. It is not on race but on competence. Race matters but difference to race in decision making suffocate efficacy to practical and reasonable ends. If there are race fears; the message is we will not feed them. Those are social pathologies to be addressed to be addressed but it cannot be addressed with superficial quotas.


A society settles its ethnic problems when the foundation is laid so all feel the presence of fairness in the system.  That will come with constitution reforms, decentralization, redistricting, etc so the government is always composed of people t hat are known for their works and are elected by local people who knows of their work. How that is created is not for the APNU or PPP. This is a contract between a people and entities that administrate their offices and t hey should be involved in the forging of it.
