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Reply to "The Cummingsburg Accord Is Too Good to Be True Because It Is. Which President Surrenders "Domestic Affairs" to A Small Party?"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Having had some further time to reflect on the Cummingsburg Accord in line with the PNC's previous Machiavellian behavior, I can only conclude that the AFC potheads have won too much in negotiations.


That the Accord spells out full control of domestic affairs inclusive of domestic security and the vast majority of State appointments is just too bloody unbelievable. I cannot believe that the Executive President of Guyana (especially a PNC one) will content himself to inspecting the GDF guards of honor, receiving Ambassadors, and writing pointless and unworkable defence plans to counter the next Venezuelan invasion of our Western frontiers.


When a negotiating partner wishes not to uphold his part of the bargain, he will have no problems pledging the moon and the stars on paper. This seems to have occurred with the PNC and the AFC. The AFC must deliver the margin of victory to the PNC and then hope the PNC keeps its word. That the PNC will appoint these AFC potheads to Prime Minister, Minister, and the Fourth Vice Presidency I have no doubt. I do however doubt that the AFC will be allowed to operate some domestic fiefdom over Guyana's domestic affairs. I can't believe these potheads have actually convinced themselves of this. They are in for a very rude awakening if they win.


This Coalition agreement is radically different from any such similar inter-party agreement I am familiar with. It covers no issues, no policies, nothing. It only covers a division of the Cabinet and some unbelievable statement about the junior party running a Government over Guyana while the President and party's ministers will busy themselves in matters of no consequence.


I would be less suspicious if the PNC had spelt out hard conditions. Unless of course that the Cummingsburg Accord is only for public consumption and the "real" Coalition Agreement which tackles hard questions of governance has been signed and is only in the possession of top PNCites and AFCites. Based on what is in the public domain, one can only conclude that the AFCites are being useful idiots to the PNC's Machiavellian maneuver.

Just asking, when this Accord was being constructed, did the lawyers not see its COLLISION with the CONSTITUTION?


