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Reply to "The Day After"

Prince posted:

Now that the dust has settled from the ruckus in parliament yesterday, what good the PPP brings to the people they represent from this public embarrassment? 



If, and I say if Manickchand was not man handled by the police, as she claims, then shame on her. This was the woman who cussed down the American ambassador in his house. I could not see any point on the video where she was assaulted by the police (maybe others have). 

What this tells me also is that Guyana has too many drama queens. Her crying on national media only reinforces the stereotype of the Indian playing the role of victimhood. Its not a good image, especially if she is lying.

My take on the Edghehill issue is th t he should have never refused the Speaker's order. If they wanted to protest, all of the PPP members should have walked out with the Bishop. This would have avoided the ruckus that followed. This is not how parliamentarians behave.

As for the cry of rape, I would like to know who was yelling (it was a man's voice). It was uncalled for. Ms Broomes is also being a drama queen in her statement above. 

Having said this also...I dont think the police should have been dragged into the matter. All the Speaker had to do was to adjourn until the behavior is corrected by the MP in question.


