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Reply to "The government should consider a temporary ban on certain imports."

Django posted:
Imran posted:
Django posted:
Imran posted:
Django posted:

I know bhai,you matie do no wrong,Political Office or Not,you got to defend them.

Sorry pal this "Indian" don't defend thieves Political OR Not,i don't care what is their color "Jail" them.

Djanjo , I don't tolerate thieves ... they must be JAIL , I would support public stoning ... where is the evidence to prosecute them bai .Do you underestimate how much corruption in the States and Canada by government officials . 

Third World countries have inefficient investigators,when public officials are heading for prosecution they crying foul.Good can never come in those countries unless Politicians are prosecuted,bear in mind they are stealing from the people.

The Ministers are worse thieves,they can't account for their wealth with the salary earned.

When they get caught in the US,Jail Time,I can name Governors,Mayors and others who were jailed in the State i reside in,do a search if there are any doubts.

You were living under PNC regime ... right , but you never call for prosecution for those bastard although you and your family were suffering 

you forgive them nah bai

Jagan should have investigate those that were living,and jail them why the PPP didn't do it,I supported the PPP all along,1992 elections i assisted a little to get voters out,I lived four years under Jagan rule and then migrate.Most of the people in the current PPP are thieves and belong to Jail,I don't support thieves as i have stated.

The Granger government is thiefing in you face big big pay raise that the country /voters did not consent.  They fire all Indians in key positions and replace them with Blacks numb scull . Isn't  that racist and for two years in office the country is in the drain. Your problem is the PPP ministers got rich and you did not get piece of the pie but the people were happy there were jobs there were developments there was hope. Today the people are tired fighting and prepare  to live in poverty. 
