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Reply to "The Million Dollar Question"

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
Prince posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

There is a lady who used to be running around the place with Benschop and his independent party after Jagdeo pardon him. I forgot her name.

Diane Madre is her name. Bibi knows her. She once work for the Court system to help abused women. I worked as her manager to give her publicity to advance her career through Tv, Radios, and communities, etc. After she got entangled with Benschop, she forget my name. 

“Prince”, Ms Madray read this site and read your post. Here is her response, verbatim:

“Interesting when people gossip and don’t have their facts correct.  Yes, indeed I work for the court system and still actively consult with the DA’s office. 

For the record, I was NEVER supervised by any Guyanese in me ENTIRE employment experience, EVER!!

For this individual who claims to “advance my career”, that’s news to me. OMG Seriously?  I sure hope you were paid well for making your ego feel better writing this on this site.  

My time in NY was limited. Go ask the person who drove up to my home in PA as the local sheriff’s office is on the alert for the next time she shows up. 

Please be aware that slander is a dangerous thing on social media.  Keep it real y’all, eyes are watching all over.  Do something productive please, and good night.  I have got much more important things to do with my time”.


Baseman, I knew Dianne Madre read and post on public forums. BTW, Dianne, This is not gossip, this is a public discussion and knowledge. I accept the role I played maybe limited, but that's beside the point. The gripe I have with you is when you aligned yourself with the racist, Benschop. I responded to the lies you peddled on (FB). You always take offense when people responded to you negatively. When you want to take a public position, you must be prepared to take the heat that comes with it. "Let the woman speak" is an honorable thing you're involved in and I commend you for it. When you joined Benschop, you tainted yourself and forget the tracks that you walked on. 

Well, she reads here, but don't post as she is not a member.

From what I read she said was nothing to do with her political stance, but the fact you claimed you "advanced her career" then she "forgot your name"!  Even you now admit this not to be the case.

Therefore, it is gossip and lies on that point, the thrust of your criticism!
