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Reply to "The Myth of reducing East Indian Population in Guyana by Political Oppression."

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Elections were rigged in 1968?

How did you think the PNC won?

And kept continuing winning until Jimmy Carter intervened. They...PNC/APNU never won a free and fair election. Will never win a free and fair election.

The demographics of the country have changed quite dramatically since the 70's/80's, so I would not make such a statement.  The PPP checkered performance during their 23 years tenure also shows they don't have all the answers.

Maybe it is so. But please give the people a chance to freely express their will at the ballot boxes.

Where is that curtailed ?

Django bhai, Good Morning.
You, yourself have said many times that the PNC rigged the elections.
By the way, WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE 2015 RECOUNT? Why did Surujbattie and Gay Boy Gary Hunt refuse the PPP a recount? I don't want to get like one of the posters here and use SMFH.
