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Reply to "The PNC has come full circle"

sachin_05 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
sachin_05 posted:
ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:

I  believe that APNU is similar to a shell company. It is really the PNC.

The AFC did us all a favor by reminding the PPP that they are corrupt and need to change their ways when they formed the coalition to remove them.

In the process the AFC must know that they will be devoured as a political entity. A political party needs an infrastructure, financing and ideas. This marriage did its one purpose but like a mosquito that draws blood only to die, this is the AFC's dilemma.

Now what is really the APNU-AFC coalition is steaming towards being the new PNC. The new PNC could be the old PNC or a changed PNC. We had a dialog sometime back of the political act of the new leaders divorcing themselves from the old Burnham-Hoyte PNC, but the political whiz kids like CARIBNY attacked this call. How politically naive they were.

So now we see that the governing coalition lacks bite, ideas and is same ole same ole, but with the old PNC being the winner. The AFC will melt away in the same manner as the WPA. You have to think now that their leaders, Trotman, Prak, Moses, Hughes were all thinking different thoughts and not being on the same page. What results is the same old PNC.

Jagdeo, the head of an unreformed PPP, must be smiling. The rest of Guyana continues to think North America, or don't want to think about a future that neither political force seem capable of advancing.You know who's happy about this state of affairs? Both the PPP and the PNC.

Wow, Kari just got hit by a train, the APNU = PNC.  Bai, you prapa bright!!

AFC did who a favor, YOU?  You stick your azz up in NY and talking for the people there.  If they were corrupt, prove it, where are the discoveries?  You continue your shameless rant like a village clown pretending at something you are not!!

Now that you help to bury the Guyanese people under the PNC bus, what's in it for you, absolutely nothing but to come here are pretend to be smart!!

The push for leaving Guyana had ebated prior to 2015.  The US embassy handed out holiday visas as people were returning and not seeking illegal or back-track entry.  This was a result of the stability brought by the PPP.  You are a joker banna!!

I still believe it was the right thing to get rid of the PPP thieves. Too bad for you Guyana is not fill with kanwa people like you who can't see nothing wrong with PPP because of race.

GNI folks didn't vote, the Guyanese people place a well deserve  kick to the curb on them for their thiefing and corrupted ways. The PNC time will come in the next 4 years and we will get them out just like the PPP. We/ GNI folks will campayne  to give them the same the PPP got....the whole nine yards..with American help and all.... 

You have just won the prize: Idiot of Idiots.  What did the PPP thief?  And good luck getting the PNC out of there the next four years.  They will kick you to the curb.

Last but not least.  The word is campaign, NOT Campayne.  You want to overthrow government but you can't even spell properly.  You must be a new breed of jackass politician.

You are just another a PPP retard who cant see nothing wrong with your hero BJ even though he lock his woman out the bedroom after 2 weeks marriage, claimed his marriage was invalid even though it was sanction by the highest priest of the land at the time. And to top it off kick her out with no spousal compensation.

He came into politics with not a pot to piss in, yet you see nothing wrong with him ended with a 10mil u$ mansion on minister salary...

What good have you done lately, sorry you can't compare yourself to Dr. Jagdeo.
