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Reply to "The PNC has come full circle"

ba$eman posted:

AFC did who a favor, YOU?  You stick your azz up in NY and talking for the people there.  If they were corrupt, prove it, where are the discoveries?  You continue your shameless rant like a village clown pretending at something you are not!!


Baseman stop being a lying hypocrite.In 2011 you were an AFC supporter (once that election was being led by 2 Indians of course). 


When I criticized the AFC and said that they were ignoring the black areas, and focusing only on regions 5 and 6 and that there was no way that they woud get the 30% that they screamed that I would get, you called me a PPP soup licker.  Well as I predicted the AFC got a mere 10%, and it was only a last ditch effort by APNU which prevented a PPP majority.

Why were you anti PPP?  Because they were corrupt, so you said. You only fled back when the AFC entered into an informal arrangement with APNU to use that majority of the seats to control the PPP.  Then your racist instincts kicked in and you fled back to the PPP.
