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Reply to "The PNC has come full circle"

Kari posted:

CARIBNY, your entire response is balderdash, and here's why. I will quote you in bold italics and I will comment on your quotes in regular fonts.

Kari the developments that have occurred have proven me right.

You start with a conclusion as a banner so that the reader thinks you write with authority and that your conclusion must be correct. But everything that follows does not mention what is this "right" you talk about. So we have nothing to judge this "right" you speak of. It's like when Donald Trump says "people are saying, but I won't say it, that Hillary is a transgender". You get what I mean?


As to this babbling about you didn't think about the PNC. Give me a break.

Again, this is like the quote above. You tell the reader I babble, and that sentence is incoherent. I'm not sure what it's intent is.


A very prominent business man who is neither African or Indian predicts a racial war sometime between now and 2020. Don't ask me to mention his name because if I do he will sue GNI as well as me. He is that prominent.  He is privy to things that neither you or I are, so don't argue with this premise.

If this person is prominent and is privy to "things", and he predicts a race war, boy something as big as this this would surely would have leaked. You also fail to state where you stand on this speculation. Do you believe 100% in this prediction that the two major races will have a civil war? Do you think, given the armaments that exist, the private armed security forces, the Internet communications, the sophisticated surveillance equipment that exists, and the fractured allegiances of the army and police, that there are ingredients for a civil war involving the two races? So this to me is hyping something.....but I don't know its purpose. you have no ideas on how to respond to this thread and so babble off to some strange fantasy about the two races having a war?


Because you have 2 black friends you think that you are an expert on Afro Guyanese.

Ii recall someone saying that you are an expert on everything, including about Indians and their customs, but you deny this same know-it-all talent to everyone else. How come you know so much about another race, and no other race can comment about Blacks?


The coalition has faults and lacks ideas but please don't be asinine and pretend as if this is all the PNC's fault. How well is Ramjattan doing to fight crime, and what is Nagamootoo bringing to the table? The AFC is just as bereft of ideas as is the PNC.

I know that you promote this notion that you dislike both the PPP and PNC, meaning that both races are bad towards each other. You claim that you attack both races and you call out those who blame only the other races. But when I look at the above, context and all, I cannot but agree with those who say you are virulently anti-Indian.


What has happened is bumping along the worst case scenario that I painted LONG ago, when you and the rest of your Moses fan cub were calling me negative.

This goes back to my opening comments. You have failed to mention what is this worst case scenario that is your trump card in this whole debate?


The rest of your post is patently laughable and bereft of anything meaningful. Your postings are not dissimilar to Nehru's hyperbolic rants.

Kari do you know that there is nothing worthy of debate here.

You cannot even say what is anti Indian here. Is it that you are indeed a brown bai KKK, as I have long suspected, but are just too embarrassed to reveal this fact.

Is it anti Indian to say what you should well know (if you claim to be an expert on blacks) that the vast majority have no more trust for Indians than do most Indians have for blacks?

This is a FACT, and if you don't think so you are a naïve FOOL!

I was quite vocal about Moses and you and the rest of his disciples. Its amusing that suddenly you found out what many knew LONG AGO!  He was sidelined because the idiot ran his mouth before the election, boasting that he had the power to end the coalition government if what they did displeased him. 

How could he run his mouth like that when many in the PNC didn't trust him, because a mere few years ago he was running his mouth against them?  Now when Moses ran his mouth did he stop for a minute to think how his "threats" would appear to blacks who would have just gotten rid of the PPP, which they saw as a scourge.

No. Like you he had an eye only to the Indian vote and he under estimated the degree to which Africans do NOT trust Indians. Now go smoke a pipe of in your little incoherent and under nourished brain you think that this is a racist comment.

Maybe you did march too much as Mars said, and that did some damage.

Last edited by Former Member