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Reply to "The PNC has come full circle"

Gilbakka posted:
Zed posted:

Gil, are there any jaganites left in the PPP? Hard to recognize them since they have been so quiet. [Yes Zed, there are still Jaganites-Ramkarranites in the PPP but Bharrat Jagdeo marginalized them at the leadership levels, ie, Exco and Central Committee. They are currently found at the lower levels of party groups. Some are also inactive but still PPP supporters. I won't give you names. Some would like Ralph Ramkarran to return to the PPP and fight the Jagdeoites tooth and nail.]

Also, you said that you are 'offering critical support' to the coalition? Have they accepted as yet, are you awaiting a response, or are you jumping tthe gun and going ahead without any reciprocity on their part? [I am not a politician or political activist. As a Guyanese holding dual citizenship, I have offered the APNU+AFC critical support in this GNI Political Forum so that members know where I stand. It is pointless to offer the coalition in Guyana critical support directly because I don't vote in Guyana elections since 1992. No need for reciprocity from APNU+AFC. This is a discussion forum and I am here to contribute to the discussions. Nothing more, nothing less.]


Well Jagan dead and Ramkarran has no interest in becoming president.  This is the dawn of a new era.  Everyone wanted the PPP to have new blood, new faces, new ideas.  They wanted change.  It's coming.

Bibi Haniffa