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Originally posted by kidmost:
. . . I was referring to the indian vigilante movement who stopped PNC violence after Wismar and which movement that jacka55 Cheddi disbanded cause he was afraid it would have removed him as the indians Bhagwan . The Phantom Death Squad was a neccessity unfortunately the wrong man was used to execute it . Nevertheless an evil neccessity like it or not who gives a flying F

Tell me all about the derring do of the fantastic "Indian vigilante movement" that stopped PNC violence between WismarI/WismarII and elections that December.

Tell me about their exploits bai . . . U did leading the brigades?

Wha happen @ Mahaicony dat Summer, eh?

You are either a very CONFUSED man or a stone cold hypocrite . . . I'll feed you your own words from earlier this year, and maybe you'll begin to understand:

Kidmost: . . . what Harripaul needs to understand is that you first need to engineer, create and foster social institutions which creates civility and social consciousness before you make every swinging DICK an armed man or woman. There must first be clean politics , honest govt and a partnership by and between the political entities , govt , private sector and the citizens . During the 60's every Babolall and Harrilall wanted to join the vigilante and become a soldier but most were denied because they were simply put A55H0LES ! AN ARMED A5SHOLE OF ANY ETHINICTY IS DANGEROUS.

I'll deal with your two facedness re David Granger/PNC later [gotta check the old threads]