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Churchill, You willknow more but I will bet that Jagan was selected the same way.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Nehru:
YES, The PPP took a beating in BERBICE because of Moses Nagamootoo. What did Mr Nagamootoo gain from that?? He has been REJECTED by the AFC and is in the SAME position he was while in the PPP, a member of Parliament. Will the Votes he carried to the AFC now help the POOR of Guyana or will these Votes result in deadlocks, stagnation and demonstrations??? Only time will tell. The lives of POOR Guyanese are on the shoulders of Mr Nagamootoo and I pray that his actions do not result in the worsening of the POOR. I will be waiting and watching. Only time will tell.

The PPP took a beating in Berbice because they neglected their support base , the sugar workers.....

They also neglected and insulted their membership by not having a congress to elect a presidential candidate....remember Ramoutar was handpicked by a few whose " mouths were muzzled by the food they eat ".....

If the party, that is our party the PPP , had the kind of leadership which had the interest of the people at heart there would not have been a minority govt and presidency.....