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Reply to "The PPPC is ahead of the game"

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Whether it is true or false it does not justify the gov't.'s violation of the constitution and its bold attempt to commit electoral fraud reminiscent of the Burnham era. Don't Indos to think that we are going to the Burnham era.  Everything Granger is doing indicates to me that he is determined to take this country back to what it was under the PNC>  

A dictator's constitution isn't one that has validity given that it was born due to the most scandalous explosion of rigging that Burnham engaged in.  The man boasted BEFORE the referendum that he would receive 68% of the votes and this is what he got.

Do you believe that most of the voters on the Corentyne voted against the PPP and in favor of this referendum?

So cease going on as if the NCV was some drastic and much needed event.  The priority from the PPP should have been to force the Coalition to adhere to a campaign promise which was for a complete overhaul of the constitution using a transparent mechanism to do so.  

What was done a few years ago was a closet deal by two dictatorial parties aimed at protecting their interests.  At no point were Guyanese social stakeholders openly involved in the process, nor was the Guyanese voting public allowed to support or decline it through a referendum.

I would have had more sympathy for the NCV if it was based on the refusal of the Coalition to pilot a revamping of the constitution.  As it is the constitution is so ridiculous that there are internal inconsistencies, maybe because of the patch work adjustments that were done over the years.

We don't have to bow down just because Jagdeo wants a power grab to ensure his access to "oil money".

All rubbish coming from GNI's most ardent black nationalist who beats around the bush when faced with tough questions.  Now, if you were in Nigel Hughes' place you would have argued that the NCV is invalid because the constitution or law of the land is invalid. This is nothing more than adding an extra dimension to absurdity in the interpretation of the law. 

Billy Ram Balgobin