Mitwah posted:Bibi, Drugb, Baseman, Yugi22, KP and other PPP antagonists:
Meanwhile, if Ms Baliram had taken the time to get the facts, rather than merely speculate, she would have learnt about the work done by NGOs like The Caribbean Voice (in August alone, three mental health outreaches and three workshops in three different regions, costing over $150,000; two feature articles and six letters in the local media based on researched data; suicide prevention messages daily on radio and TV in all three counties; extensive tens of thousands of views and thousands of interactions social media information dissemination and advocacy; twelve counselling cases handled; and a number of meetings to explore collaboration and plan upcoming activism), Monique's Helping Hands, Guyana Foundation, the Mibicuri Community Developers, the Counselling Centre at Corriverton established by ex-magistrate, Krisndat Persaud, the St Francis Community Developers, Prevention of Teen Suicide (POTS), Help & Shelter, Red Thread, Crossroads Counselling & Mental Health Services and a host of others who give their time, efforts, skills and resources, many on a voluntary and all on an ongoing basis, to address all the triggers, their causes and results, suicide ideation and suicide.
AS you choose to mention KP, let me ask what is your contribution to the people in Guyana. You cut and paste an article that Rumjaat told you to post. You are a sucker to the Guyanese taxpayers, when would you learn to give. Suicide up or down is not an achievement to any Government or any person, one death is too many, suicide goes with poverty and lack of education. With all said and done ,Guyana is still the suicide capital of the world, and committing a crime is not a criminal act is now an accepted occupation by the PNC.