I said it here before that many Indian supporters will either stay away or vote with their feet.
Many Indian supporters are disenchanted by the PPP/C, so when supporters who knows that their parents, themselves and families supported PPP/C for dankey years, and when the PPP/C makes a promise for something very easy, and they failed miserably to deliver, then it is time that Indian kick their asses out.
The alternative to the PPP is afc/pnc supported by the pedophile gang led by mjuanita and company. It is a case of the lesser of evils. I doubt that enough time has passed for Indians to forget the cruelty and destruction of the pnc/afc.
Druggie, do you think that I actually cares who rules Guyana? Any other Government rules Guyana will be a better choice for Guyana.
And the PNC is setting up the PPP/C for the next election.
1) Lets hinder the PPP/C from making life better for their supporters:
Like fools and Dummy: The PPP is falling for this
More later
I care who rules Guyana as I don't want to see the country run into the ground. Neither the PNC or AFC must ever get the chance to ruin the nation again. We know there are rotten eggs in the PPP but not to the same extent that we see in the PNC/AFC crime family.
The points you make about corruption is a matter for the pnc/afc police to remedy, I see you give no accountability there. Legislation is the only hope to root out corruption and I don't see the afc/pnc majority in parliament proposing any of substance. All they care about is retaining guns in the hands of the criminals as we see their vote against the gun legislation.
With regards to services, garbage, parks etc, we again see how misguided many of you are. You look to central govt to solve these ills when it should be a function of the local govt, funded by tax payers. Many of you critics live in the US and Canada and pay huge amounts of property taxes without complaining and those funds go to pay for parks, garbage cleanup, police service.
You and the rest are bottom house debaters, holding one set of standards for the Guyana govt and another set for the country where you live.