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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The job of managers are to manage. If the manager is not in control of the employees the business fail. Ramotar knew who are the agents of his will and if the ones there are allowed to do things poorly then they are also expressions of his will. To this date it is piss poor.

True enough, however you discount the effect of mo fiah slow fiah as Brummel and the PNC/AFC police directly report to Granger, bypassing Rhoee. Now given this, the govt is stuck between a rock and a hard place as they are not allowed to micromanage Brummel. Any attempt to erradicated the PNC/afc elements from the GPF will result in protests and burnings. The govt have to walk a tight rope, compromising effective policing for political stability.

If the PNC were in power this crime situation would not exist as the police would be able to manhandle the criminals without the likes of Benschop and you protesting. Your claims of police brutality would turn to cheers of justice.


But more importantly, let us separate the facts from fiction, the crime rate in Guyana is no worse than its peers in the Caribbean. The only difference is that it is much more visible in opposition media giving the perception of widespread crime for political purposes.
