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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

This and other picture shows the power of cooperation. All those that are so concerned about a PPP/C victory ask yourselves how many Indians have unity and want to shoe up at the polls on the day. On the other hane one can't help but marvel at black unity in Guyana. They will scream and fight and cuss and kick but when it comes time for voting they forget their differences and turn out in large numbers.

     Comrades how many of you Indians have switched parties and hang your mouths hoping for a morsel from the PNC? That is why you will be kicked because you lack unity. No wonder Granger is smiling because he has you K00lies in his pocket and he will twist you and turn you as he likes.  

the naked scare appeal to race solidarity is a tatty old trick . . . now, ask me to pull the other finger u fool, and enlighten us all about the "morsel(s)" an impoverished PNC has on offer to anybody who 'defects' to their party 


u see, after tiefin unparalleled in Caribbean history, it is the PPP who has billions at its disposal to bribe and coerce, and its associates have effectively captured the Guyana economy


btw, Afro-Guyanese did not turn out for Corbin in 2006


so please, take your cheap racist lies/crude disinformation elsewhere

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