Tell you what if the PNC stole as much in their days as the PPP does today the likes of Corbin, and Carl Greenwich wouldnt be as ordinary middle class as indeed they are.
Where are the palaces that the Burnham daughters live in? It seems to me as if what they have is consistent with the fact that most of them are either doctors or lawyers, or married to people who are.
You very well know that there was nothing to steal in PNC time, they ran the country into the ground. Now I don't know of your unsubstantiated claims of widespread stealing by PPP, however let me humor you and pretend that you are correct, at least the PPP bring prosperity. In PNC time, it was black tea and shine rice. ahahah
Every child in Guyana knows about PPP theft so do not even try to pretend that you dont. You like the gang of PPP theives because they protect your family who clearly are part of the Indo elite.
Guess what though. In no country can the elites survive if the masses are disenchanted. The very PPP grass roots supporters are now tired of these blatant displays of PPP wealth and all those who were quite poor before they became ministers suddenly showing displays of wealth. This when every one knows that the official salary earned by ministers is only enough to be comfortably upper middle class.
In Haiti the rich are very rich so if the PNC folks were as corrupt as are the PPP folks they would have figured it out.
What is apparent is that their greed no way matches what we see today with the PPP. A huge maga airport when Guyana cannot even attarct proper airlines service. A hotel which is not needed and which no private investors is willing to put in money without guarantees. And many can name other examples of PPP vulgarity.
Druggie yesterday the PM of Bdos warned his airport officials to "protect" Barbadis from unwanted visitors, meaning Jamaicans and Guyanese. Well Jamaica has no gold but then Guyana has. Barbados is in a serious mess. So why are Guyanese still trying to sneak into the people's country?