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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Originally Posted by caribny:

Every child in Guyana knows about PPP theft so do not even try to pretend that you dont.  You like the gang of PPP theives because they protect your family who clearly are part of the Indo elite.


Guess what though.  In no country can the elites survive if the masses are disenchanted.  The very PPP grass roots supporters are now tired of these blatant displays of PPP wealth and all those who were quite poor before they became ministers suddenly showing displays of wealth.  This when every one knows that the official salary earned by ministers is only enough to be comfortably upper middle class.


In Haiti the rich are  very rich so if the PNC folks were as corrupt as are the PPP folks they would have figured it out.


What is apparent is that their greed no way matches what we see today with the PPP.  A huge maga airport when Guyana cannot even attarct proper airlines service.  A hotel which is not needed and which no private investors is willing to put in money without guarantees.  And many can name other examples of PPP vulgarity.


Druggie yesterday the PM of Bdos warned his airport officials to "protect" Barbadis from unwanted visitors, meaning Jamaicans and Guyanese.  Well Jamaica has no gold but then Guyana has.  Barbados is in a serious mess.  So why are Guyanese still trying to sneak into the people's country?

So this is your evidence, "every child in Guyana knows"? Its a good thing the international community don't listen to the likes of you who hurl unsubstantiated accusations. My family provide gainful employment to hundreds of Guyanese, what have you and yours done? Nothing, just badmouth the doers and become consummate sour pusses. 


The pnc and you are intent on destroying the nation, you preach to your people the life of entitlement and slacking off while others break their back working for what they achieve. You then turn around and tell your people that they were robbed of their birthright and they should kill and maim Indian because they deserve it. Sounds familiar? Yes Hitler did the same to the Jews. 


The PNC/afc operatives will continue to flock to Barbados to push drugs and rob and kill. That is why the Bajans want them out. Guyana has lots of opportunity that is why we see all the housing boom and labor shortages. Life is good, only pnc/afc types will cry out that they are suffering because they are too lazy to work and prefer to rob.
