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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Originally Posted by Rev:
.Excellent! Well said BGurd!

Carib bai can holler and scream about PPP theft and corruption from now until thy kingdom come---the reality is his beloved PNC will never, ever win an election in Guyana.



You and druggie can have your orgy and rage screaming at "lazy black people", and then you will both wail that you arent racist/  Its just amziang that you folks are alowed to make comments that only appear on white supremacist sites and yet are never cautioned about this.


Any way BOTH of you illustrate why the PPP will NOT win more than 50%.


1.  Many Indians are tired of the PPP and pictures of a dry Amaila Falls just shows how corrupt and incompetent they are.  Imagine the PPP wanted to expose Guyana to US$850 million in debt ogligations and guarantees and  now we see that the site is inappropriate because the river is now DRY!


Do you think that 100% of Indians are stupid enough to vote for a party which engages in this incompetence.  We already know that the vast majority of the 55% non Indians will not.
