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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Sugrim na tek da Bhai Mitwa on....

like eee like yuh.....


Mi got One Question fuh yuh....

Just One Question????


The USA State Department

said the following about Guyana in 2012.


Cocaine originating in Colombia

is smuggled to Venezuela and

onward to Guyana by sea

(fishing vessels, bulk cargo vessels and tug vessels)

or air.


Because of Guyana’s porous borders,

smuggling is also conducted

by land from Brazil and Suriname into Guyana.



Once cocaine arrives in Guyana,

it is often concealed in legitimate commodities

and smuggled via commercial maritime vessels,

air shipments,

human couriers,

or the postal services.



Guyana has seen

its political and judicial infrastructure

impacted by narco-influence,


while its economy

has become increasingly

affected by narco-dollars.



 Drug trafficking organizations based in Guyana

are beginning to use neighboring Suriname

as a major distribution hub.


The cocaine is smuggled into Guyana

and then transported to Suriname

for safekeeping and distribution.


In these instances,

Suriname is used as a stash location

and distribution country for drugs entering Guyana.


In other cases, drugs depart directly from Guyana.

Direct Quote from the

US State Dept 2012 Narco-Drug Report 


Mr Sugrim Sir,

Kindly tell us here on GNI 

What can u tell "De America Govt"

is really saying to the world

about the Guyana/Suriname and Jagdeo/Bouterse?????

What could they be talking about in the Dark?

Last edited by Former Member