The Electorate of 49% in Guyana elected the PPP/C to Govern. Instead of Governing, corruptions is widespread all over. Of those 49% who went and vote, this time around that margin will decrease to 42%
As I mentioned, your aunt's action is critical to the pervasiveness of corruption, as long as there are weak people who don't stand up for justice, you will always have predators like the pnc/afc custom officers in question. Your aunt contribute to the problem because she caved in.
Yes my Aunt was weak, an old lady who can hardly walk but yet the PPP/C and their Customs Officer took advantage on her. There can undoubtedly no shame whatsover with the PPP/C. And when someone like you who would think and know what is right and what is wrong........turn your back on the poor and sickly and helpless, then so help me god.....I can only hope that devastation come to those who makes people suffer.........I do not know if you falls within this lot.