Indeed this is amazing......all three, Sawh, Reepu, and Doodnauth Singh, of the three we now know that two were directly connected to the Chinese Contract of the Skeldon Sugar Factory and the refusal to accept that Indian Contract, we now know that King Jagdoe, was somehow or the other seems to have something to do with the death of Sawh and later Reepu. We now know that the reason for the Chinese Contract was the bribe of nearly a Million US Dollars. We know that with a Million US Dollars Pradoville 1 went on the drawing board, took shape and then become a reality. We now know that two men knew of all the ongoings of King Jagdoe, and his shenanigans.....they lost their lives. King Jagdoe has now become a Semi God.
But Doodnauth Singh? Why I am missing this one and cannot put together????
Whatever happens, we do have an insight into.....Thanks to JalilBhai, and I think that if we were to connect all the dots and cross our Tees, we now know the Ruthlessness of King Jagdoe....can we say that he is a bribe taker and a murderer??????? your guess is as good as mine.
I am sure now we do have a different perspective of the PPP/C.....a Party of Corruptors and Murders and the murderer is still out there.
Pradoville 1 was sold at a fantastic price, Pradoville 2 might go the same way, there are still connections with Trawlers and other businesses in Maimi Florida, who know maybe some more business aligned with Bobby the Golden Boy.
We have seen where Guyana has been parcelled out and handed on a platter to close cronies and friends of the PPP/C. We have seen the poor and those who supported the PPP/C who really needs house lots, were stalled, we have seen another king in the making in the Ministry of Housing.
Jalilbhai, much thanks for your insights, you have opened the eyes of many here, but I am forced to ask you one more q
With Roger Khan coming out in a matter of a few years, with all his close associates gone to the great beyond, think that we will see some more serious action??
How come the International Community like the US, Canada, and UK are not up to the Crimes and Criminality of the Guyana Godfather.