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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Originally Posted by asj:

When Ralph resigned, was he scared of his death?


Tell us JalilBhai


Anyone who knows Ralph will tell you

Ralph is a Honest, Decent and Sincere politician.

He is a no nonsense person...

but very Humble Team Player


 Ralph is not a person

Who will lie, Boast, Cuss or

Buse Down like a Thugs.


Under Jagdeo the entire Party lost it's track,

and after Jagdeo left office

Ralph felt it is time for the PPP to put itself in Order.


Ralph charged that the PPP was no longer driven

by the working class ideology that had moved its founders

but was now in the grip of oligarchs,

avaricious contractors and corrupt bureaucrats

all locked in a cycle of greed, enrichment and illegality.



In 1999

When and How Jagdeo became President

left everyone shocked,

Freedom House became a Battle Ground.



One time things got so heated

Rohee ran Jagdeo out with a Chair

because Jagdeo Removed Rohee

as Foreign Affairs Minister.


Jagdeo had to work Quickly to polish it off

by creating a new Ministry called 

"Foreign Trade" for Rohee.


Initially Robert was put in charge to deal with the Black Thugs,

then later Jagdeo skillfully convince Rohee

he need to assist Robert with the Thugs because

he (Rohee) is the closest the PPP have as a Street Thug

and his skills and expertise is needed to hold on to power.


Ralph saw the Big mistake the PPP made

was when Jagdeo turned to the Drug Dealers

to deal with the Crime situation

that was getting out of hand

very early in his Presidency.



Ralph knew the Safety and

Security of the Country was now in

the hands of the powerful Narco Drug Lords

and their army include.... a dangerous  combination of

(1) the Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs,

(2) Rogue Police Officers 

(3) Rogue GDF Soldiers.

Roger Luncheon called then

"the Phantom Killers"


During Jagdeo's Presidency ........

the Govt got full Protection from

"the Phantom Killers" .......

in exchange for

(1) the Safe Passage of

"Drugs, Guns, Money & Contra-ban Goods"

by the Drug Lords

(2) Safety from International Prosecution & Law

for the Drug Lords.

This Evil partnership and agreement exist up to today.



During Jagdeo's last years in office

he was able to win over

De Miniser of Thuggery Rohee's

total support and Loyalty

by offering him two things


(1) making him Minister of Home Affairs .....

now fully incharge of the Police, GDF and

the National Security of the Country.....


in Addition" Chief of the Phanton Squad" 

Thugs/Drug Lords Alliance.

(Some Crab Louse still cant understand...

Why Rohee Visa got Taken away)


(2) A promise to move Rohee up

to the Position of General Secretary in the Party

to keep eyes on people like Ralph.



Now with Jagdeo out of office, Ralph felt it was safe

(1)to clean up this mess in the party and

(2)get the PPP back on track and

(3) weed out the Pimps, Prostitutes, Parasites,

Panty-Men, Dutty Crab-Louse, Funny Fellas,

Narco Influence, Vultures and

the Black House-of-Israel Thugs that

Jagdeo needed to keep him in power




Ralph was Close to Jagan and knew Jagan never had to form alliances with these hated low lives, scums or thugs for support......


Jagan's energy support was fueled by the working class, the Hard working Guyanese Farmers, Cane Cutters, Laborers, Civil Servants and all those who stood up for law and order.


Ralph's attempt to clean the Party

was immediately met with Raw Hostility from Rohee.....

things got so nasty..... and that caused

(1) Ralph to Instantly Resigned,

(2) Decide to expose all the Corruption

(3) End all relationship with Jagdeo & Ramotar 

      Gang on "Dutty Funny Fellas". 



Rohee recently appointed

General Secretary of the Party

Last edited by Former Member