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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Jalilbhai, much thanks for your insights, you have opened the eyes of many here, but I am forced to ask you one more q


With Roger Khan coming out in a matter of a few years, with all his close associates gone to the great beyond, think that we will see some more serious action??


How come the International Community like the US, Canada, and UK are not up to the Crimes and Criminality of the Guyana Godfather.



Asj the International Community is playing their part,

just look at the secret leaked wiki leaks  documents and

you will know the US is on to all of jagdeo's Criminal operations,

look at the trials of all of the guyanese drug lords

and other personal friends of jagdeo like ed....

Uncle sam is collecting all the evidence.


The US, British and Canadian Govt

have all been showing the Guyanese people

they are not playing with this Corrupt Jagdeo Admin.


The International Community 

all said in one voice

cancelling Regional Elections for 20 years

is much worst than Calling Elections and Rigging them.


The International Community is appealing to the Guyanese to

wake up from their slumber....

stop supporting Race Politics and

stop supporting those Corrupt Leaders

cut ties with those who Incite Racial division.


Stop supporting Drug Lords and

Stop supporting Money Launderers.... and


Do not vote for Politicians who thief ...or...

who are associated with Narco Trafficing,

Gun Smuggling,  and Money Laundering. not feel Guyanese are not getting help...

things are happening...

How do you think De Amaila Project Collapse

How do you think Jagdeo & Ramotar fat-talk about Oil disappear?

How yuh think all de Oil Drilling come to a sudden halt?

How yuh think them Bank closing de valve on Guyana?

How yuh think nuff of dem Visa get tek away?

How yuh think nuff a dem cannot leave Guyana?

Why yuh think dem now begging the APNU & AFC fuh Help?

How yuh think  for the first time Overseas auditors in Guyana now?


Isn't is Strange that the Biggest Drug Lord get Captured

under a Big International operation

Involving Guyana/Suriname/Trinidad/USA....

and all the US Govt went to the extreme to

 Roger Khan was working together with Jagdeo

and they were protecting each other interest....

Nothing about the actual Drugs they were smuggleing,

How, where, Why or who are the other Players involved..

Roger talk like a Guyanese Parrot

eee tell them more than

the full page ad ee publish in De Guyana Paper

And they got the Info they need.......

 the whole story will come out at the right Time



Asj again....Isn't is Strange that

the Biggest Mortgage Scam and Fraud involving Guyanese

another Big International Ring

Involving Guyanese, Caribbean, Chinese and Top US Politicians 

International Cricket and Alan Sandford Connections


and the US Govt went to all the extreme to

Ed Ahmad was the Personal Business Partner of Jagdeo

got Guysuco Property, PPP Property (Mirror) and other Govt Assets

in exchange for Containers of Building Materials 

for Pradoville Mansion and handling De Business Interest in China.

Ed is wired and Jagdeo is Scared

Ed talk like Mille the Macaw

who Burnham sent to Expo 67 in Canada

and they got all the Info they want....

and the whole story will come out at the right Time


Asj again....Isn't is Strange that

the Biggest Insurance Scam and Fraud involving Guyanese

another Big International Ring

Pulling off the Biggest Scam on Met Life

Involving Guyanese, Liberty Avenue Businessmen,

Doctors, Lawyers, Real Estate & Mortgage players....

and even Richmond Hill Drunks.... 


and the US Govt went to all the extreme to prove...

Richard James is a very close & Personal Friend of Jagdeo

Showing pictures with them Together

at the Cricket in Guyana and in the Bars in Richmond Hill.

Porr Richard James Whistle like a to-wa-to-wa

and the whole story will come out at the right Time


So Asj....we have to keep exposing them

the Guyanese People are seeing the Truth

and they are changing

Parasites, Pimps, Prostitutes and the Crab-Louse

will tell us Different.

ASJ.... Time & The International  Community

Support is on Our side

and the whole story will come out at the right Time

Last edited by Former Member