So Asj....we have to keep exposing them
the Guyanese People are seeing the Truth
and they are changing....
Parasites, Pimps, Prostitutes and the Crab-Louse
will tell us Different.
ASJ.... Time & The International Community
Support is on Our side
and the whole story will come out at the right Time
Rev I Understand your position.
Rev, Kwame, Lamumba, Hamilton & Bynoe
all now share the same Position
But..I do not know why you believe
48% is something to be excited about
I do not understand why you continue to
Celebrate Burnham Constitution.
Rev, Kwame, Lamumba, Hamilton & Bynoe
all now share the same Position
Neither PPP or PNC
should be happy if AFC in only a few years
took away 10.33% of their Votes and Supporters.
However you bend or twist it
AFC got more than 20% of the PPP/C Total Votes
AFC got more than 25% of the APNU Total Votes
Not too bad following
those that Broke away
and who are not afraid....
to speak.... the