Bro Jalil Thanks for your very comprehensive analysis. The more people read this the more they will accept that we did not really have a Government as Per se in Guyana but a bunch of corruptors, gang of criminals and murderers. It is reasonable to believe that the demise of Cheddi was when the PPP/C was no more the PPP as we knew it.
Jagan has dabbled with Politics for decades, when he died he was the President of Guyana, he died very poor and humble maybe he did not have a penny to his look at Past President Jagdoe, and all those Ministers....that tells us one thing........that to achieve all those wealth that they possess, there was only one way they could have done so, Me know, You know and if Rev wants to be truthful to us he can also tell us that he knows too
It is scary of what the PPP/C has evolved to today.
My Brother Asj,
Rev like both you and I .....know Jagdeo is a thief
I can show you in the past where Rev has publicly stated
Jagdeo thief and full his pocket with Millions US Dollars
But Rev is now exactly like Kwame,
We know Kwame turn round and turn over easy,
we know Kwame, Lamumba, Edghill,
Hamilton, Tapps, Bynoe and all them
Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs
Attack Indians who follow Jagan.
Indians suffer Rape, Rob, Injury, Murder
at the hands of these Black Thugs.
If they follow Jagan....
Indians were called "Dirty Indians"
by these Black PNC Thugs
Jagan encouraged his followers to fight
against Thieving, Crime, Corruption in Govt
the govt must look after the Working class Interest
Govt must be lean and clean
Rev has turn over like Kwame
and attacking Indians who are followers of Jagan
and Doing exactly what Jagan said
Rev calling them "Dirty Indians"