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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"




Qoute "The second day of the conference also saw the interim head of the Caricom security agency IMPACS, Mr Francis Forbes stating that Guyana’s potential was being threatened by the scourge of corruption and that the “truth is that there are some persons who see the issue of corruption in Guyana as endemic”.

No doubt stung by the directness of Mr Forbes’ remarks, the Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh later stated “I hear Mr. Forbes speak of the scourge of corruption and I would urge some caution in perpetuating at a rigorous level [such statements]”. Both Dr Singh and President Ramotar sought to sweep aside concerns about corruption as either being just perceptions or emanating from the political competition in the country that has spawned a host of allegations from the opposition.


In their own country Guyana, Caricom security agency IMPACS, Mr Francis Forbes almost indirectly tells them the PPP/C are thieves.  Only man put to up a lame excuse, and he knows that his excuse was lame Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh stated “I hear Mr. Forbes speak of the scourge of corruption and I would urge some caution in perpetuating at a rigorous level [such statements]” There was no response for Donald Ramotar. Forbes calls a spade a spade.


It was shameful, again The PPP/C betrayed the intelligence of educated Guyanese

