They are to blame since 1998 of delay by not showing up for meetings to ratify the Herdmanston accord. Now that they are threatened by a snap election and losing their power in parliament, they rush to ratify the accord to deflect away the impending loss of power. But the PPP has bigger fish to fry with a snap elections. The local election will be next year. The country waited 15 years, they can wait a few more months.
Look at this logically. Yiou say that local govt elections arent heppening because the PNC didnt show up to meetings. Well they did and Ramotar has had a bill on his desk for TWO MONTHS and refuses to sign. And clearly he refuses to sign as he fears what will happen to the PPP in LOcal govt elections.
We have municipalities in total confusion as local governance has ceased to exist. Most normal people would think that local govt electiosn would be way more important than a snap poll. And indeed the PPP is terrified of a snap poll as they fear that they will suffer the same embarrassment that their buddy Kamla has in Tdad.