History will not be kind to Juan Edghill, a disgusting man who continues to feed shamelessly from the PPPC trough of greed, murder and corruption. A man who, as Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission (“ERC&rdquo, was complicit in the evil PPPC’s plan to disenfranchise Africans in Guyana; a man who watched silently as Africans were summarily and undeservedly dismissed from their positions in the Public Service sector, were excluded from the economic development of Guyana, were ignored and considered “unqualified” to represent the country as diplomats, saw their children murdered in extrajudicial killings ordered by the PPPC government, and more. Juan Edghill must give account to his god, if believe in a god he does, and to the citizens of Guyana for the evil which his actions endorsed.
This man Edghill, who shamelessly calls himself Bishop, dares accuse the leaders of the Parliamentary Majority of continuing “to speak with forked tongues making excuses for their reckless, vindictive and unprovoked actions.” Much can be said about the budget cuts, but reckless, vindictive and unprovoked are the last terms that fair-minded Guyanese would use to describe the Parliamentary Majority’s move to make the abusive minority PPPC government finally accountable to the Guyanese people.