What became of Cheddi Jagan
‘lean, mean and clean’?
Dear Editor,
I read the many articles in the daily newspapers written by Mr Freddie Kissoon et al and I must say that I am left speechless. Whatever became of Dr Jagan’s dream and slogan, ‘Lean, Mean and Clean’? Is this part of the much touted dollar-a-day philosophy? Did this vision and commitment to the suffering masses die with Dr Jagan?
The burden that this bill puts on the hard-working Guyanese people by the extravagance it guarantees Mr Jagdeo for life, borders on vulgarity. I can almost hear Dr Jagan shouting, “This is what you call squandermania gone mad.”
Now based on the lavish life taxpayers will have to provide for Mr Jagdeo after he retires, we will now have more candidates for President come 2011. The interest is no longer about the people but about the perks. The great John F. Kennedy once said, “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” This is the kind of thinking that has helped to make America rich and powerful.
We need to embrace selflessness and reject selfishness if we are to move forward as a nation. And it is indeed a shame that those at the top cannot lead by example.
My dear friends many concerned Guyanese went after the PNC; why not go after this run-away PPP Government for worse behaviour?
Poor people are suffering; drug lords are taking over the country; torture, killing and rape are becoming the key features of our so-called democracy, and the list goes on and on. Dr Jagan would have never done this to poor Guyanese people, and this includes LFS Burnham, Hoyte and Mrs Jagan, who have all fought for a better Guyana.
Where are the private sector, GAWU, religious organizations and other NGOs? Remember, united we stand, divided we fall! The same standard used to judge the perceived excesses of the PNC should be applied to this out-of-control government. Double standards and ethnic cleavage will only hasten our own demise.
The big question is, does Mr Jagdeo deserve these benefits? Did he think of those poor farmers and struggling sugar workers who leave their homes at 4 am to work and make an honest living? Mr Jagdeo’s government is killing poor people with the VAT, yet he is exempted from paying taxes.
The people of Guyana have all pooled their individual power to empower the Jagdeo government to make laws which will protect them and serve their best interest, but instead that power has been used to satisfy self-interest. I hope that come 2011 the people of Guyana will say to the PPP enough is enough!
Your faithfully,
B. Beniprashad Rayman