The PPP leaders have not done the right
thing and are not prepared to do it
Dear Editor,
The nature of the news making the headlines in Guyana in the past few days/weeks reveals many unhappy things about the state of the PPP regime. Addressing a small group of only PPP supporters in Richmond Hill, New York, President Ramotar said “The attack on Winston Brassington is obscene. Anyone who works professionally for the government is coming under intense personal attacks.”
We strongly disagree.
What can the people discern from this callous statement? It is too much to individually explore, but what was most striking is the sense that the PPP regime is imploding in front of our eyes. It is crumbling inwards as its leaders fold over themselves as if the party is experiencing a massive earthquake shaking it to its core.
A close scrutiny would probably find the roots of the internal upheaval located in the power struggles between the Jagdeoites and the old PPP guard at Freedom House. In their quest for grandeur and the illusory trappings of power, the PPP cabal appears like cockroaches in a fowl party, which means that they are in serious political trouble.
We believe that it is ludicrous and insulting to Guyanese for President Ramotar to defend the head of NICIL who has been a complete failure in the management of taxpayers’ money. As the overseer of several major projects, he has failed miserably in this regard. In all of these contracts, it is the private companies that are the major beneficiaries.
Is the president not aware of these major financial blunders by NICIL’s boss? Or is he in denial?
Further, the regime has not done anything to reduce corruption and crime despite Mr. Ramotar’s campaign’s promises. There is still no Procurement Commission, no Integrity Commission, no Ombudsman, no accountability and transparency and no policy to end corruption and the spate of crimes by the PPP regime.
We believe that President Ramotar has to be considered naïve when he says that Mr. Brassington is extremely competent. It is Mr. Brassington who invested more than 51 percent of state funds to build the Berbice Bridge but settled for less that 20 percent of the shares. It is Mr. Brassington who negotiated the contract for the Marriott Hotel that allowed only foreign workers to work on the site. It is Mr. Brassington who approved Sithe Global’s high rate of return of 19% on its investment when commercial lending interest rates are between 7 percent and 10 percent. Is this being competent, Mr. Ramotar?
People are fed up and frustrated with the corrupt PPP cabal and have lost faith in any project that the regime undertakes and Mr. Ramotar’s poor understanding of competency has added to their frustration. Instead of making sure that the taxpayers get value for their money; Guyanese are faced with a barrage of PPP propaganda, untruths and distortions designed to hide the corrupt practices that are taking place every day.
In truth, the society is so overrun by seedy fingers that theft has now become the normal state of affairs. Those who bear the marks of honesty, integrity and decency are deemed enemies of the state and are immediately ostracized, vilified and dismissed. Nowhere is there evidence that the PPP cabal has upheld the laws of the land and has prosecuted anyone for corruption. When pressed as to why they have not prosecuted anyone, they offer the sad refrain: The opposition talks about corruption but they have not proven that corruption is taking place.
There is no integrity and decency left in this regime. In several of the cagey deals made by Jagdeo and his cohorts, the PPP cabal has adopted a brilliant strategy to hide them from the public until it is expedient to release them. Everything the cabal touches turn into ka ka and everything they say publicly has to be taken with a grain of salt because even if it rings true, one has to wonder what else they are hiding.
The PPP leaders have not done the right thing and are not prepared to do the right thing because they believe that they are wiser than the people and are above the law. In other words, they have become the “untouchables” and have been somehow ordained to be the everlasting rulers of Guyana.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh