Abolish these duty-free concessions for the ‘fat cats’
Dear Editor, According to the saying, “There is no good tax,” and as much as we hate paying taxes, we must face the fact that taxes are necessary to fund social, infrastructural and other developmental projects which benefit all of us. As such, all patriotic Guyanese have an obligation to contribute by paying our fair share of taxes. The problem is, most ordinary citizens are forced to bear the burden of taxes while the political fat cats and their wealthy friends are given a free pass. This is unfair and often illegal. The working class in Guyana is generally underpaid and struggling to make ends meet, yet they are faced with an overwhelming tax burden, making it impossible for many to escape the clutches of poverty. Meanwhile, politicians and their friends, who earn millions and receive millions more in contracts and kickbacks, simply do not pay their share. This cannot be allowed to continue: we must all be treated equally under the law. Politicians must not be allowed to get away with non-payment of taxes in addition to getting duty free concessions on their luxury vehicles while ordinary Guyanese are suffering to make ends meet. I intend to run for Mayor of Georgetown and I fully intend to do my part by paying taxes. Moreover, I refuse to be a part of the duty free concession racket once I assume office. I wish that other politicians would follow my lead and play their part in national development instead of riding the breaking backs of the working poor. Mark A. Benschop Independent Party