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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

The Freudian content of the PPP’s


October 25, 2013 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 



Let me ask you some questions. Why do you think Robeson Benn went to NCN to get the calypso removed from the airwaves even though he was not the subject Minister and he didn’t go through the subject Minister? Why do you think at a press conference a Minister could say, “I thought it was me y’all talking ‘bout when y’all talk about a minister doing illegal things because I is a Minister who is do illegal things.”
Why do you think a PPP parliamentarians could say that the public swimming pools cannot be made open to the general public because people must realize that they have to bathe before they swim? Why do you think that “Killaman” skips from one sordid scandal to the other? Why do you think that the de facto ruler of Guyana told a public meeting in Essequibo that the reason why a newspaper owner does not like him is because the publisher had a woman and he “took away” the lady?
Do politicians engage in such scatology when speaking to their supporters? Should public politics involve such degrading grammar? How can a lawyer of all people, openly praise the police for killing three youths and say that it is a waste of money to do a post mortem?  In front of the media, a Minister turns her backside in front of her Ministry to a group of protestors in a manner that is clearly vulgar.
I could go on and on. I could tax my memory and take you back to more incredibly shocking semantics from all PPP leaders, including numero uno. Of course by saying numero uno, you may not know who I mean, because lots of Guyanese are saying that Guyana has two presidents. Which one is numero uno?
What are your answers to all these questions? I will give you mine. They are in the philosophy of that great thinker, Sigmund Freud. Deep in the sub-conscious of all PPP leaders, without exception, is the acceptance that East Indians are to the PPP what water is to a flower. Out of that Freudian permanence comes an ironic contempt, in that PPP leaders see Indians as trapped souls. There is no sensitive awareness when dealing with Indians, because PPP autocrats know they can talk down to them and they have to accept.
Here is just one example of unbelievable disdain the PPP has for people they perceive as their property. At a Hindu wedding, a neighbour of mine went up to the de jure (legal) president and implored that the Government fix the road where she lives (it is in extremely terrible condition). Guess which Minister she was advised to see? The Minister of Housing and Trade. The Minister directly responsible for the road projects all over Guyana is the Minister of Works. When she told me this, I told her he was downright rude; he knew he misled you.
Indians have nowhere to go except the address of the PPP head office on Robb Street, ironically named Freedom House. Indians then have no alternative. When they look at Guyana, they see a coin. On one side is themselves, the other side are African Guyanese. Since Indians do not want African Guyanese to be in power, then Indians have to keep their PPP embrace, and that is a permanent fixture on the Indian mind. This understanding of course is a permanent fixture in the psyche of all PPP leaders, be they at the apex or on the lower rungs.
A senior journalist at Kaieteur News told me that he overheard two PPP kings talking during a large demonstration against the upsurge in crime, and one of them flippantly referred to the illusion of the AFC in thinking that Indians would ever stray from the PPP. Herein lies the answer to all those questions asked of you above. It will not stop with the Robeson Benn incident at Parika in which a member of the People’s Parliament was detained at a police station. It will not stop at Kwame Mc Koy’s antics.
These horrible attitudinal displays have no limits, simply because the people whose mouths they come out of believe at a deep, Freudian level that they do not have to endure embarrassment and will not face castigation, because Indian Guyanese will not remonstrate with them. The analogy of a boss and the coffee lady is apt. The coffee lady is not going to mind if she is seen taking home the milk. The boss is sexing her up and she can get away with anything. This analogy is a brutal fact of life.
