It is President Ramotar’s only game
of survival, so it has to be played
It is coming on to 21 years since the PPP is in power. If a citizen is twenty-one years old (Peter Ramsaroop told me two weeks ago about sixty percent of the nation is below 21) then that person has no firsthand knowledge of the government of President Forbes Burnham.
The PPP knows this and in every election, on every state occasion, the PPP milks its depraved historiography by telling us about the wrong things President Burnham did. Why say it when more than eighty percent of the country does not know about it because either they were born just as Burnham was moving off the scene or they emerged after Mr. Burnham was gone?
So why on every occasion, without exception, what Burnham did is brought up for the audience to digest? Because it is the only game a twenty-one-year-old regime knows. In those twenty-one years, the regime clings to Burnham’s mistakes to keep the flames alive because the gasoline has created far more mistakes than Burnham.
The latest act in this game is President Ramotar telling the audience at UG’s 50th anniversary the bad things Burnham did and he cited the refusal by the PNC Government to employ Walter Rodney at UG.
On reading that, immediately I said to myself I cannot let Ramotar get away with that vulgarity. I will ask for readers’ indulgence while I pen a brief note on Ramotar and his party and his government on me at UG. After twenty-six years of service, my contract was terminated without any complaint from any section of the University and without a hearing. The termination was done by the PPP-dominated Council. That is all I want to say.
What needs to be said about UG under the PPP, the party of Mr. Ramotar, is that a lecturer accused of graphic sexual descriptions in his classroom of the different acts of sex was allowed a hearing and permitted to have legal representation.
Let us go off of UG, a topic most Guyanese are familiar with. Let’s look at what happened in the twenty-one years.
So Mr. Ramotar spoke of the bad guy, Burnham, who didn’t give Walter Rodney a job. A foreign company came to this country and employed a learned young lawyer. Because the lawyer was once involved with a civil society group, Transparency Institute, the foreign company was told either you part company with this lawyer that the Guyana Government sees as an anti-government critic or we will not give you a licence.
For more details see my column of Friday, September 6, 2013 captioned, “A story in 2013 that Guyanese do not know about.”
Mr. Ramotar can tell a nation that has no firsthand knowledge of Mr. Burnham’s government, but Mr. Ramotar’s regime did exactly to me what Burnham did to Rodney, The PPP did to this lawyer what Burnham did to Rodney. It is not only the weird and warped psychology of the PPP that was on display when Mr. Ramotar spoke, but the depraved approach to historiography by most if not all PPP leaders.
If there is any scholar I felt sorry for as Mr. Ramotar spoke, it was our brilliant historian, Catholic nun, Sister Mary Noel Menezes. She was invited to be part of the panel, but did not deserve to listen to that crude propaganda of Mr. Ramotar. Mr. Ramotar and all his acolytes and colleagues in the PPP will go on to propagate such crude propaganda. They have to. It is the only game they know. It is the only thing they have going for them – tell the Guyanese people how bad were the opposition when they were in power.
The naked attempt to rewrite history by the PPP will go on, as the PPP’s inglorious role gets more stained and sordid, and as history records it. And history is recording it. History knows that Forbes Burnham denied Walter Rodney employment at UG. But now many of our young folks know that. But much to the exasperation of Ramotar, these young people know about who is doing what to the Guyanese nation these past twenty-one years.
They know who don’t care that Guyana has become the most fetid city in the entire world. And yes, I say without fear of reproach, the worst in the world. But wait a minute! Most Guyanese know who the PPP blames for the rotten environments of Georgetown. Why of course, you guessed it – President Forbes Burnham. Fact Number One – he died since 1985. Fact Number Two – Mr. Ramotar’s party is in power 21 years now.