We must never fall for the sweet talk of Che Gouvera and Fidel Castro. The only revolution is the of the people to own private property. Us East Indians want to own private property.
JB, to each his/her own, will be nice to talk about the isms some day, but right now, we are showcasing the bribery and corruptions of the cancerous and inept PPP/C who we think that if elections were held today they would be kicked out of office.
Asj ....JB has a right
to be in love with the
Burnham Faction of the PPP.
Call it by any name you want
the PNC is the Burnham faction of the PPP,
Some will cuss Burnham at times....
while others will cuss Jagan the other times....
but history will show
the two factions were cut
from the same cloth.....
and each faction of the PPP
supported the other..... when they had to.....
and Each faction of the PPP
fight each other ....the rest of the time.
This topic is not about
the Jagan Faction of The PPP,
or Odo Faction of the PPP,
JB this topic .....
It is not about...I would call...
The Great things Jagan Did
like Developing Sugar, Rice, Agriculture,
Building Industrial sites
or creating lots of opportunities for the poor
while Jagan was in power
JB this topic ....
It is not about what you would call
The Great things Burnham Did
like Building things in guyana
the Linden Highway, Demerara Harbor Bridge,
National Service, House Of Isreal,
A Good Election Rigging Team
punishing or killing members of the opposition,
or creating opportunities for a few in a certain class
while the rest of the country suffer
while Fat-boy was in power
This Topic is about what
the PPP has turned into today,
With Jagdeo and Ramotar doing worst
that what many accuse Burnham and his Faction of Doing....
and with Jagdeo & Ramotar
Ignoring all the promises Jagan,
the Original leader of the PPP
made to all his supporters.