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Reply to "There is no way that the PPP/C will win if Elections were held today"

Great things are happening in Guyana

July 10, 2009 Peeping Tom 

Why are persons being critical of press freedom in Guyana? Why? Guyana has the freest press in the world. The press is so free in Guyana that some of them are operating virtually free of expenses.[Come on Rev, Ewe-gee, Kwame & the Other Batty Boys & Crab Louse…. lets hear it from the boys……and lets Give the Boys a Hand]

One company is being floated by government ads even though its circulation is less than two thousand per day. These two thousand copies, it is estimated, would cost the company a variable cost of about $100,000 per day but with the close to one million ($1,000,000) in ads that it gets from the government each day, it is able to not only cover its variable and fixed costs but also to make a whopping profit. [Is this the Company that was started up by Jagdeo Personal Friends, is it the same company involved in the Illegal Purchase of Govt Property which was Exposed by Yesu Persaud….. Remember the Comander –in –thief  Cuss out Yesu for exposing the Illegal sale to his Friend …… then Jagdeo Railroaded the sale in Parliarment to make it seem legal or Kosha.]

On top of that, the company enjoys a great deal of printing jobs from its friends in high places thus allowing the company greater profitability. A great many printing jobs are going its way. This company is doing well. It is a success story. No media outlet in the world can boast that it has such a supportive environment. [ Jagdeo say PNC thief nonstop for 28 years…… under him it’s just Business as Usual with a PPP or PNC Govt]

And this is why the Alliance For Change should seriously withdraw its charge about the lack of press freedom in Guyana. It is simply not true. Where else in the world would you find media houses being so unashamedly subsidized?.........[Exactly, this is Rev & Kwame’s Logic……..further AFC lucky Jagdeo only thief one seat from them in the 2006 Elections… them should shut them mouth and keep quiet]

Where else in the world would you find media houses being so buoyed by support such as what exists in Guyana?.....................[ Only in Guyana Under Jagdeo…..and that’s what Friends are for…….Keep smiling…..Knowing you can always count on Govt as long as Jagdeo Large-and-In-charge.]



But this is not the only positive thing that is happening in Guyana. There are a great other many good things also happening in Guyana. We have some very good Ministers in the country and they are doing a fantastic job with the very limited resources at their disposal…………..[ Rohee & Nanda-lall, Benn & Brassington, Man-ni-ram & Webster , Kill-o-wan-large & Kwame,  La-mum-ba & Lamb-bad-da ….. all them bhai Bad fuh Days ]

This is why it is surprising that the Office of the Auditor General would highlight minor issues in his audit about bank accounts being overdrawn. Why should this be a problem? The reason why these accounts are overdrawn is because enough funds were not allocated in the first place to cater for the great amount of work that had to be done………….[ We have to Agree with Rev, Kwame and them ………Jagdeo, Ramotar and his Ministers were never charged by the Police…… Forget about the Auditor General…. He wicked ]

We have Ministries that are spending a great deal of money and they are busy doing so. They are serving the people of this country and because there is so much work being done, it is to be expected that in some instances there will be minor administrative details that will be left unattended to.

 Come on Mr. Auditor General, you have to show more understanding!................[ Mr Auditor General how come you miss Jagdeo Fruad Wedding which he pull pon de Hindus in Guyana…..dem Muslim Bhai would have`sling him up fuh disrespecting them sister like that……Just Imagine how Butty-Bhai Lucky, them hindu really understanding and forgiving]

Each day we wake up we learn of the wonderful work that the government is doing to help the people of this country. Money is being spent to improve health care, education and buy the pumps to bring an end to the sewage problems. These pumps could not be brought in earlier because if you have to buy the pumps individually, it would be more costly than if you have to buy them in bulk…………..[ Judge fuh yuh-self……where de money going…..Rev & Kwame say nuff pumping going on…..]

Money has to be found also to host all those consultations of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy. With this strategy Guyana will make money. So we have to spend money to make money………………[and den spending it, left, right and center…. Rev & Kwame saying …aya must….just stop asking question]

One Ministry that understands the importance of investing to make money is the former Ministry of Agriculture…..Now Minister of Oil & Pumping… That Ministry is investing in our future……………..[and more so his future,  the Baby MBA’s  were born in USA……..AMERICAN CITIZEN…….and Aunty-man say Moses Driving a Bentley in Guyana….3 year ago ]


One presumptuous person dared question the success of the Grow More Food Campaign using figures supplied by the Ministry of Agriculture, but forgot to mention that had it not been for climate change the numbers would have been different…………….[ Dem bhai got answer fuh every-thing]

The Grow More Food Campaign is successful but is being affected by the climate change and all the carbon that is being given out which is damaging the crops and causing it to appear as if production is not increasing…………[so don’t talk about corruption, thiefing and mis-management under Robert and Uncle Bharat]

Billions are being spent on the agricultural sector. But these lazy reporters we have in this country are not reporting on how this money is being spent to benefit the people of this country………….[ de problem is the Free Press and them Lazy reporters]

All they want to do is to go to the press conferences and stay silent. How are Guyanese then to know about all the seeds that are being distributed and…… the pumping that is taking place to drain the farmlands of excessive water?...................[ Nuff PUMPING going on between Robert and Jagdeo……Rev & Kwame]

These reporters need to go out and find out how these billions are being spent so that the Guyanese people can celebrate that they have a hard-working and caring government that is accounting for every cent that is spent………………………[Rev & Co tell abee where them Pumping again]

Instead of concentrating on these efforts, the media seems obsessed with where the Lotto Funds are and why it is not being paid into the Consolidated Fund. The reason is simple.
The Consolidated Fund is already consolidated and cannot hold any more money. This is why the Lotto Funds are not being put in to the Consolidated Fund……………[ What A Jerk off the Nation witnessing with Jagdeo…….. Insulting de Hindus and Pumping  them fuh keep them quiet]


Jagdeo & Rev know how fuh pump dem Hindu.

Dem say dem is "House of Isreal Hindu"...

Rev say Jagdeo is dem Pundit....
