Muslims draw the Line on
Bharat, Ramotar & Kwame
Hang all dem antimen...
Rev say....Who Vex....Vex
Guyanese Muslims
to resist decriminalizing
Homosexual laws – CIOG
Anyone know if they stoned the Iman to death who sodomized those little boys? I haven't heard anything more about the story.
He was Charged by the Police,
Hauled before the Court....
but is free on bail,
with no a word from
CIOG, DPP, Police, Court, AG or Govt
So technically the Imam is Free
So far...He was not found Guilty by the Courts.
And if you are Accusing CIOG for Coverup.
You should ask your beloved Leader right here
how an Imam/Teacher at the CIOG School
who was caught and accused of
Raping a little Black Girl at school
and he was Quickly & Quietly
smuggled out the country by his Brothers
while the police was investigating
and about to lay Rape Charges.
What you are saying is exposing
the level of Corruption in Guyana
by this Govt under Jagdeo & Ramotar
where serious crimes are committed
and CIOG, DPP, Police, Courts, AG & Govt
come together and protect criminals.